Monday, March 4, 2013

The Art of Asking

There are a lot of TED talks I see where my brain is engaged. The internal brain-wheels spin and I'm given a new idea. I recommend watching every single one of their videos. These cerebrally engaging talks are great, but this talk that I am about to share with you engaged my heart. 

"Yes," my heart whispers. I long for this kind of connection between myself and you, my fans and readers. Brava, Amanda Palmer and brava, Neil Gaiman for supporting her while she wrote the speech. Enjoy, my lovelies.

This reminds me of my father's sage advice to me. "Ask," he said. "Always ask. The worst that they can say is 'no.'" Because of his advice, I ask. I ask to be on television. I ask businesses, "Would you like me to help promote you?" I ask, "Hubby, do you think you could bathe the Pookie, tonight? My back is really hurting."

But, sometimes, it's hard to get up the gumption to ask.

Within the next week, I'm going to take a big leap. I'm going to ask you, my fans and my audience, for help. I am scared to do this. I feel like I should be able to write and to create and exist in this life and to just do it all . . . without help.

I feel like I should be strong enough to do it alone, but I can't. I don't exist inside a vacuum. I don't write in a pocket of space-time where I am not effected by the world. I must live in the world and be a part of it. I drink coffee. I play with my daughter. I am a person, just like you and I have bills to pay.  

 So, from one human being to another, I see you, my lovelies. I hear you. And I trust you. All I will ask is for some help to keep me creating the work you like to see. And thank you, in advance, for this help that is so hard for me to ask for that I know you will come through on.

Blessings to each one of you in all that you do and don't forget that we are all visionaries. We just have to figure out where we excel.

Love to All,


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  1. What a lovely article. Thanks!

  2. I think this rings true to everyone, we hate to ask for help. We, well I, feel I can do it all without help. But everyone helps a helping hand every so often. Gives ya something to think about to, maybe offer to someone before they have to ask.. Thanks...

    1. Thank you. Sometimes I feel like I'm really alone with asking for help. My friends and family, I'm okay with. We know there's mutual love there. But asking those whom I don't know well? Totally outside my comfort zone.

      Offering help before people have to ask. It is something good to think about.

  3. I hate to ask for help and have heard the same "all they can say is no". It is difficult, not wanting people to feel sorry for me but sometimes with all the Dr appointments and medicines I do need help, so I am trying to ask for help more often.
    chelsea r

    1. I'm in the same boat with you. It feels, sometimes, like asking for help is like admitting that my illness has "won" or "conquered me." I feel like I'm in a fight with my own body, sometimes, and it's really frustrating.

  4. I love AFP (and Neil Gaiman)! Amanda's TEDtalk on asking brought tears to my eyes, it was so beautiful and heartfelt. I think women especially have difficulty asking for help, even when we really need it.

    1. I think you're right. I wonder why women don't tend to ask for help when we need it. Personally, I'm trying to hold on to as much independence as I can, for as long as I can and sometimes this gets me in trouble.

  5. Dad was right, take a chance and ask!

  6. Love this post and the videos too. Yeah my dad use to tell me You Will Never Know If You Don't Ask. Words I still live by to this day and I teach my children too.

    1. I think it's a very worthwhile lesson. One I'm definitely teaching my children, too.
