Monday, December 24, 2012

My Christmas Eve (with video by Bob Welsh)

This video was sent around on my family's email. When I saw it, I just knew that I had to post it for this beautiful day. It's Christmas eve, tonight. It's that one holiday that magic can happen. It's the time of year that people are giving, are kind, and that we are all the people that we truly want to be. So, without further ado, here it is:

So often that we get wrapped up in our own lives, our own tragedy, we hardly ever stop to think of the helpers. Maybe someone told you a truth that you didn't really want to hear, but desperately needed to hear. At this time of year, I think of endings and I think about the various people who have helped me. Tonight, I send warm blessings to all of them, whether they had to give me "tough help" that I really didn't want or bestowed friendly help.

This is the time that I remember those people in my life and how they are so much more precious to me, in this world, than jewelry or electronics or pretty clothes. At Christmas, we all turn into the best possible version of ourselves.

Through trying times and deep sorrow, still, there is hope. And there will always be hope. There will always be those of us who try to reach out, try to give more than we get and help our fellow humans.

Goodnight my dear readers. I hope you found this video as wonderful as I did.

Blessings and Love to All on this Christmas,


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