Friday, December 14, 2012

Excuses? Invalid. Try Again.

I found this picture around the internet and I thought I'd share it for this week's weekend inspiration. Seeing this prompted me to get up the gumption and ask my assistant to send some inquiry emails that I'd flip-flopped about sending. Emails that might move this Visionary thing I've got going on a bit further. After seeing this picture and realizing everything that this man must've had to go through to get where he is, it gave me a bit of a kick in the pants.

My dear ones, I still have that little voice in my head, sometimes, that says, "I don't know if you can do this." It's okay. We all have it. And it doesn't matter that, no matter how much you pursue your dreams and your goals, that little voice still persists. What does matter is not letting that little voice rule you. 

Dream, always. Reach, always. Try, always. Go, always. Get up again, always.

A friend of mine who's been single for quite a while called me up this week. "I don't want to drive all that way for this date and maybe get stood up." "Go," I encouraged her. "Always go." It's the difference between 'I believe that this might take me closer to my dream of a partner to go through life with' or 'I've given up on this dream.' I told my friend about some of the absolutely horrific dates I'd been on, how I'd been stood up and much worse. Then, I told her what a friend did for me, in my time of doubt.

My now-hubby and I, in the beginning of our relationship, broke up. By happenstance, there was a large social gathering of my friends happening on his parents' property that had been planned months before. Two hours from where the party was taking place, I danced from one foot to the other saying, "I don't know if I should go." Finally, my friend took me by the shoulders and pushed me toward their van. "You're going," they said in a very forceful tone.

This situation had the potential for major personal drama and a horrific outcome. However, had I not gone, hubby and I probably wouldn't have ever gotten back together and I would not have my Precious Pookie and the life I do, now.

When times are the hardest, it is then that we need to persevere. When it seems most dismal and most bleak, it is then that we have to look even harder for that spark to guide us. So, no matter the situation, I will always say, "Go. Dream. Dare. Do. Risk." Always. For without the going, the dreaming, the daring, the doing and the risking, miracles can't happen.

I watched the movie Men in Black 3, this week. If you haven't seen it, stop reading right now and go watch it. Don't worry . . . I'll wait . . .

Did you watch it? Good.

That movie is now added to my top 20 movies of all time for the character of Griffin. Such an amazing character. One of his quotes is this, " A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway."

 My lovelies, miracles are happening every single day. That, you can bank on. And there's no reason that a miracle can't happen for you, no matter what you're wishing for. There's no reason that it can't happen to you, today. One small step is all it takes. Trust me on this. Miracles aren't announced with a flourish of trumpets, anymore, but they certainly can happen and (often) in the most unlikely of places on some idle Tuesday.

What have you been dreaming of, dears? What steps toward your miracle could you take? Try to take a tiny one, this weekend. Let the universe conspire with you for a change.

PS -- Don't forget to dance!

Here's a song to get you started --

 "The Logical Song"

Until next time, my beautiful ones, please remember that we are ALL visionaries. We just have to figure out where we excel.

Love to All,


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